The Infinite Banking System uses a specifically designed financial vehicle that began in the year 1847. This System has is not controlled by the Banks or the Government and is based on contracting with other private individuals.
Infinite Banking is Simply the Best, most Secure way of Building a Nest-Egg for yourself
WHILE being able to Live Your Best Life and meet your Life's Objectives at ALL ages.
As someone new to the concept, the first thing you should know is the Infinite Banking Concept® is NOT a Bank, its a process that mimics what the Banks do! It's a thought process that changes the way you think about money!
We all know the Game of Monopoly and and if you've ever been to a Casino, you know someone always plays the 'Banker' AND that the Player and the Banker are never the same entity. Infinite Banking Empowers you to to be the Player AND the Banker AT THE SAME TIME! which means you get to borrow money AND make interest at the same time! |
FACT: Banks are businesses based on a business model or system called the Fractional Reserve Banking System that charges interest and fees for your deposits & makes money by lending it out. In fact they lend out more money on mortgages and other loans than they have available in deposits! This is called a Fractional Reserve Banking System because they only have a fraction of the money they lend out on 'reserve' The Majority of Banks, with the exception of Iceland are not backed by Gold, but operate within a Fractional Reserve System.
Banks also have close ties with the Government, they promote sales of products for the government such as: RRSP's (Registered Retirement Savings Plans) - That is rather suspicious! FACT: Fractional Reserve Banking Systems go out of business.
Because of the Fractional Reserve banking system banks use, when more people withdraw money than your bank has on hand, your bank would not have the money to give you. This has happened historically many times and typically happens in times of economic downturn. YES, Banks use your money and may not have it to give you just when you really need it! This has happened many times, but banks have been bailed out by the government just like farmers have been! (HISTORY OF BANK BAILOUT PAGE coming soon) Is this REALLY the best place for you to warehouse your money?
The Bank of Canada opened in March 1935 operating from the Victoria Building on Ottawa's Wellington Street. For more about the history of the Canadian Business of Banks www.BankofCanada
FACT: Implementing the Infinite Banking Concept, is one of the most peaceful protests one can be in without saying a word to complain about the Government or Banks, and start keeping more money in your pocket.
Infinite Banking systems are businesses run by public citizens without ties to the government. As of 2016, the Infinite Banking System is a (169 YEAR) Old system and process being discovered by more and more people who wish to be in control and empowered by money. Infinite banking systems are NOT based on a fractional reserve system - they do NOT operate with less money than they have. This business model keeps on average close to 200% MORE funds available than they lend out (in case people borrow and flood them with money in an economic downturn) FACT: You can own an Infinite Banking system, For Centuries, wealthy people have used different finical strategies than most people. For most of us, every time we spend a dollar, we have to go back to work to earn another replacement dollar. And for most of us, the financial environment we're in encourages us to spend more than we keep. Yet the wealthy seem to know how to make more and, *keep" a bigger percentage of it, and end up with more money than they'll ever spend! YOU REALLY DO want to maintain the business of your money in more secure hands - your own! Imagine borrowing money with a click of a button - within a weeks notice with no ones approval but your own! It's possible - see others who own their own Infinite Banking Systems. The Infinite Banking Business Model is: